The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety Release their Opinion on nanoform TiO2 in dermally applied cosmetics

14 Jun 2018

Nanoforms of TiO2 have gained much attention from regulators in the recent past, with recent ECHA decisions disseminated and rebuttals from the industry. In part due to its prevalence of use. One major use for such particles is its dermal application for sun protection and the nanoform has, in relative terms, long been used in such products as sunscreens, and the scientific opinion came in 2013. However, further products and nanoforms have been released of TiO2, such as differnetly coated TiO2 which can dramatically change the safety and efficacy of such products. Therefore, the scientific opinion on dermally applied cosmetics of these new TiO2 nanoforms should also be suitably addressed. In 2015 sufficient data became available on Cetyl Phosphate (CAS 3539-43-3), Manganese Dioxide (CAS 1313-13-9), Triethoxycaprylylsilane (CAS 2943-75-1) coated nano-TiO2, to enable the assessment of there safety.

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has recently released its opinion on the safety of these nanofroms (Opinion on titanium dioxide (nano form) coated with cetyl phosphate, manganese dioxide or triethoxycaprylylsilane as UV-filter in dermally applied cosmetic;  

The Scientific Committee concluded that these forms can be considered safe for use in cosmetic products intended for application on healthy, intact or sunburnt skin.  This, did not apply to those application routes which may lead to inhalation. The potential ecotoxicological impact was not considered in this opinion. 

The committee acknowledged that the dissolution and exposure rising from such dissolution of the coatings must also be considered.

Further, it was noted by the committee that although these nanoforms can be considered safe for use that current assessments for nanomaterials are evolving in line with scientific and technological advances. The committee cautioned that the assessment should not form the blue-print of future hazard/risk assessments of new nanomaterials, but that future assessments and analyses should be conducted in line with the most recently accepted methodological developments and regulatory obligations, and that further data for other nanoforms may be required or requested.

At Blue Frog Scientific we keep up-to-date with the technological, scientific and regulatory advances as an active member of the nano and regulatory community. We can provide targeted assessments and analysis for your nanoform to ensure longevitiy of the data, safety assessment conducted and regulatory dossier. For more information please get in touch!