EU - Update from ECHA and five Member States on the PFAS Restriction


22 Nov 2024

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and authorities from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have released a progress update on the process to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Europe.

New uses not originally identified by the dossier submitters continue to be identified as a result of the consultation with examples including sealing applications, technical textiles, printing applications and other medical applications. Furthermore, fluoropolymers, their use and life cycle are being given special attention due to their high interest from stakeholders.

It is noted that "restriction options other than a ban" are being considered. This is a significant change from the original dossier but the aim of minimising PFAS emissions remains. 

It is positive news that "restriction options other than a ban" are being considered. However, PFAS manufacturers and users must continue to minimise PFAS emissions. This is particularly important in the fluoropolymer sector where some processes use PFAS, for example as polymerisation aids.